Soul Sessions

Awakening is one of the most exhilarating, loving and freeing experiences that a human being can have. It is the unlocking of the soul, the unlocking of your Spiritual energy. Kundalini is an energetic force that lies coiled at the base of the subtle body. She is a feminine energy that is here to awaken us to the essence of our Soul. By calling in this ancient wisdom we are guided into a deep metamorphosis. 


Everything is energy. From the lightest of light to the heaviest, darkest experience imaginable. We are all of this, woven together through lifetimes of genetic lines and DNA. In our evolution as human beings, moving through the denser energies allows us to merge with this light. Life is inviting us to step into a new way of being. One that allows us the freedom and space to reclaim our bodies and our birthright.


As the Soul activates, a powerful shift begins. The confines of the mind expand and we transform from the unconscious self to the conscious self. We come into alignment and are filled with new possibilities and excitement. This helps us create a different reality. Where we have experienced pain or conflict, we open into healing, self-love and a deeper understanding of our existence.


Dedicating her life to the exploration of Consciousness by healing her spine, Kelly holds space for clients and students all over the world, aligning and attuning each being with nature and the flow of the universe. She is trained in Advanced Family and Systemic Constellations which helps every client realize that by looking within the family system they may uncover where these traumas may have originated.


Soul Sessions are a space to explore these energies. This is the healing work that has been transforming Kelly for over 30 years. In return for her own healing, it is her honor to share this work with anyone looking to reconnect into the truth of who they are.

Through the awakened energy of her Soul she is guided into the client’s being, bringing awareness into patterns or structures that block the flow of this potential energy. As the client’s awakened energy moves through the body,  transformation is created and aligns the client with their Soul.


One on one Soul Sessions are done in- person at Kelly’s home in Nicaragua or on retreats. Kelly guides her clients, creating a relaxing and open space where she will take a look into the family tree gathering information and tuning into the client so the unlocking can occur. These sessions may be hands-on depending on what the client needs. Here you are embraced by the jungle and Spirits of land helping you come home to yourself.


This extremely subtle work goes into the depth of the unconscious, and clients should prepare for internal transformation resulting in external metamorphosis, unlocking your fullest potential! 

Sessions are one hour and a half.

 Investment: 300$ USD


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